Career Training
Looking for a great career?
Receive low-cost training and get started on a lifetime career in the water and wastewater industry.
Students talk with District staff about careers in the water/wastewater industry at a BAYWORK career fair. |
Nearly 50 percent of water and wastewater treatment plant operators across the country are expected to retire over the next 10 years, opening up positions that pay as much as $50,000 per year at entry level.
Treatment plant operators protect public health and the environment by ensuring that clean water standards are met 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. They do essential, recession-proof jobs in every community earning excellent pay, benefits, and opportunities for promotion.
To attract new men and women to the field, Dublin San Ramon Services District and other Bay Area agencies offer hands-on training and classroom instruction for prospective treatment plant operators. These programs can lead to a great entry level job right after high school. They also provide pathways from other fields and to advance in the water industry.
Career Paths & Training Resources
BAYWORK is a consortium of Bay Area water and wastewater utilities working together to ensure that they will have the reliable workforce necessary to serve their customers and to protect the environment. The BAYWORK website provides information regarding training and career opportunities for those interested in working in the water and wastewater industry.
State Water Resources Control Board
California Water Environment Association (CWEA)
Career One-Stop
- Water Sector Competency Model (core competencies required for field staff and operators in the water and wastewater industry)
- Career Path for Water Protection from GED to PhD
California EDD Labor Market Division Data